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In September 2019, voters in the Storm Lake Community School District approved a bond issue to move forward with the first of a three-phase plan to address our district’s space and facility needs. 


Phase I focused on our new Early Elementary School, which is now open and includes kindergarten classrooms, a media center, art and music rooms, a kitchen, a gymnasium, a commons area, and offices. The first phase also included our new Middle School Auxiliary Gym and three additional middle school classrooms. 


RelatedResidents to Consider Phase II of School Facility Plan


We are thrilled with how Phase I went and remain incredibly grateful to our community for the support. As we anticipated, we continue to deal with a space crunch in our other buildings.

Storm Lake Phase 2.jpg

The Board of Education has approved a bond issue question that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, September 13, 2022. If the measure receives at least 60% voter support, the district would be able to add about 31,141 square feet of additional space to the new Early Elementary School. 


An approved bond would NOT include a property tax rate increase, as the school district portion of the local tax levy would remain the same. The total amount of the bond would be $9.95 million.


We invite you to learn more about the district’s needs, Phase II of our facilities planning, and the question on the ballot September 13, 2022.

Please use the form below to submit any questions or feedback you may have.


Storm Lake Community School District  |  419 Lake Avenue  |  Storm Lake, IA 50588  |  712-732-8060  |  District Website

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